What Is Chlorine We Find In Foods?

Chlorine exists naturally in foods. It is a major mineral.

Most chlorine you get from your diet comes in the form of chloride, also known as sodium chloride or salt.

Chlorines main task in your body to maintain the balance of fluids.

The body’s supplies of chlorine can rapidly deplete when excessive perspiration reduces the fluid content of the body.

Stored chlorides can become dangerously low during periods of vomiting or diarrhea.

Chlorine/Chloride In Food

Chlorine is present in foods. It’s found naturally in different vegetables, like tomatoes and olives.

But the chlorine you get through your diet is mostly in the form of chloride, most of which comes from the amount of salt, or sodium chloride, you eat. (source )

Chlorine in foods is toxic. But they are not harmful, in proportion to their toxicity.

Why Do We Need Chloride

We need chloride for forming digestive juices in the stomach and maintaining the correct balance of fluids in your body. (source )

Chlorine is also widely used to disinfect drinking-water. (source )

Chloride In Our Biofluids

Chloride is a common anion in biological fluids.

Too low chloride concentrations can be the result of insufficient intake of chloride or absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Too high chloride concentrations can be the result of renal dysfunction.

Chlorine/Chloride As A Contaminant

Chlorine/Chloride in foods are considered as a food contaminant.

Chlorine and chlorine containing compounds are mainly used as bleaching agents in the food industry.

They are also used as sanitizers for food processing.

The major concern about the compounds is their potential toxicity.

The concentration of chlorine in food is directly related to the concentration of chlorine in drinking water.

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Sara Niemelä

co-founder Care Omnia, Head Content Creator

Author Image of Sara Niemelä

Nutrition is my passion. I've spent thousands upon thousands of hours reading, analyzing, categorizing and comparing research studies.

I’m a wife and a mother of three. I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, and spending time with my family.