What Is Caprylic Acid (8:0) & What Foods Can I Find It In?

3D-model of Caprylic acid (8:0) (src)

Caprylic acid, 8:0, a saturated medium-chain fatty acid that plays an important role in the body's regulation of energy input and output.

Caprylic acid provides a link between the hormone ghrelin and hunger. It helps stimulate the receptors, that trigger hunger.

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Caprylic Acid Is An Important Fatty Acid

Caprylic acid 8:0 is also known as octanoic acid, a medium-chain saturated fatty acid. (source )

Caprylic acid is an important fatty acid for our health.

Benefits Of Caprylic Acid

Caprylic acid has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory activities. (source )

You can read about other benefits of caprylic acid in Capric Acid (10:0): 3 Research-Backed Benefits & 2 Side-Effects .

Foods You Can Find Caprylic Acid (8:0) In

You find Caprylic Acid (8:0) mostly in baby food, fats and oils, and nut and seed products.

Examples of food sources include

Foods in our nutrition tool

You can find regularly updated top-ranked lists of foods for over 200+ nutrients in our nutrition tool.

If you are interested in what foods contain the most Caprylic Acid (8:0), we recommend you visit our tool.

Here's our top-ranked list of foods that contain Caprylic Acid (8:0).

Sara Niemelä

co-founder Care Omnia, Head Content Creator

Author Image of Sara Niemelä

Nutrition is my passion. I've spent thousands upon thousands of hours reading, analyzing, categorizing and comparing research studies.

I’m a wife and a mother of three. I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, and spending time with my family.