Polyunsaturated Omega 9 Fatty Acids: How To Use Them For Your Benefit

Omega-9 fatty acids are not essential fatty acids. It means you don't need to provide them through your diet. If your body needs them, it can make it by itself. Some other Polyunsaturated Omega Fatty Acids: How To Use Them For Your Benefitpolyunsaturated omegas are essential for you.

The most common polyunsaturated omega-9 is mead acid, 20:3, n-9.

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Lots Of Omega-9

In contrast to other omega fatty acids, your body often contains little omega-3, more omega-6, and lots of omega-9.

The Body Makes Its Own Fatty Acids

Under severe conditions of essential fatty acid deprivation, the body can take oleic acid to make mead acid (20:3, n−9). Researchers learned this when they followed vegetarians who followed diets lacking substantial sources of essential fatty acids.

Our Articles On Polyunsaturated Omega 9 Fatty Acids

Mead acid (20:3 n-9) may reduce inflammatory diseases

A three-dimensional representation of Mead acid (20:3 n-9)
3D-model of Mead acid (20:3 n-9) (src)

You can find more information about mead acid and the research behind it, in What Is Mead Acid (20:3 n-9)?

Mead acid can effectively reduce inflammatory diseases. It is also an indicator of if you have a deficiency of essential fatty acids because you will get an elevated presence of mead acid in the blood.

Check out the benefit of mead acid in Mead Acid (20:3 n-9): One Research-Backed Benefit

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