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One Beverages With Octadecadienoic Acid (18:2 c) - Care Omnia Nutrition

We currently only have one food in Beverages with octadecadienoic acid (18:2 c).

We recommend you also check out our top ranked list of all foods with octadecadienoic acid (18:2 c) or take a look at what other foods there are in Beverages.

You can also search for a specific food, nutrient or research-backed claim through our Search Page.

One Food In Beverages With Octadecadienoic Acid (18:2 c)

You can find out what other nutrients a food has by clicking on its name.

Beverages Ranked 1 - 1 With Octadecadienoic Acid (18:2 c)

Click on the food to explore all the other nutrients it contains.

RankBeverages with Octadecadienoic Acid (18:2 c)per 100gper Oz
(Unsweetened, Shelf Stable)
276 mg78.2 mg
fig 1. One Beverages with octadecadienoic acid (18:2 c).

Octadecadienoic Acid (18:2 c) Supplements Available Online

Here's a few supplements available through Amazon that contain octadecadienoic acid (18:2 c). Please click on the image or the link below for further details (#ad).

Foods With Octadecadienoic Acid (18:2 c) In Other Food Categories

The food categories below have foods that contain octadecadienoic acid (18:2 c).

Select a category to show a ranked list of all the foods in that category with octadecadienoic acid (18:2 c).

Food CategoriesNumber of foods
in category
Dairy and Egg Products17
fig 2. Food categories with foods that contain Octadecadienoic Acid (18:2 c)

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