What Is cis-Linoleic Acid (18:2 n-6 c,c) & What Foods Can I Find It In?

3D-model of cis-Linoleic acid (18:2 n-6 c,c) (src)

cis-Linoleic acid, 18:2 n-6 c,c, is a polyunsaturated cis fatty acid.

It is an 18-carbon chain with two double bonds in cis configuration.

The consumption of linoleic acid is vital to proper health, as it is an essential fatty acid.

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cis-Isomer Of Linoleic Acid

cis-Linoleic acid is the cis-isomer of linoleic acid 18:2, n-6.

Linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, also known as an omega-6 fatty acid.

It typically occurs in nature as a triglyceride rather than as free fatty acid, and it’s mostly found in plant oils. (source )

cis-Linoleic Acid Is Important

cis-Linoleic acid is an important fatty acid, required for the synthesis of cell membrane prostaglandins and other essential components of the body.

It is found in seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils. It is commonly taken in supplement form.

Foods You Can Find cis-Linoleic Acid In

You find cis-linoleic acid mostly in fats and oil, nut and seed, and sauce and gravy products.

Examples of food sources include

Foods in our nutrition tool

You can find regularly updated top ranked lists of foods for over 200+ nutrients in our nutrition tool.

If you are interested in what foods contain the most cis-linoleic acid, we recommend you visit our tool.

Here's our top ranked list of foods that contain cis-Linoleic Acid (18:2 n-6 c,c).

Sara Niemelä

co-founder Care Omnia, Head Content Creator

Author Image of Sara Niemelä

Nutrition is my passion. I've spent thousands upon thousands of hours reading, analyzing, categorizing and comparing research studies.

I’m a wife and a mother of three. I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, and spending time with my family.