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Top 40 Dressings and Condiments With KJ (Energy) - Care Omnia Nutrition

Below we list 40 Dressings and Condiments with kj (energy). The list is sorted from the food with the most amount to the food with the least amount.

We recommend you also check out our top ranked list of all foods with kj (energy) or take a look at what other foods there are in Dressings and Condiments.

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Ranked List Of 40 Dressings and Condiments With KJ (Energy)

You can find out what other nutrients a food has by clicking on its name.

Dressings and Condiments Ranked 1 - 20 With KJ (Energy)

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankDressings and Condiments with KJ (Energy)per 100gper Oz
1Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values3,000 kj850.5 kj
(Without Salt, Soybean Oil, Salad Dressing)
(With Salt, Soybean & Safflower Oil)
(No Cholesterol)
2,880 kj816.5 kj
32,840 kj805.1 kj
4Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values2,640 kj748.4 kj
(Cottonseed, Oil, Home Recipe, Salad Dressing)
(Home Recipe, Salad Dressing)
(Regular, Commercial, Salad Dressing)
2,360 kj669 kj
(Regular, Salad Dressing)
2,270 kj643.5 kj
(Regular, Commercial, Salad Dressing)
2,030 kj575.5 kj
(Soybean Without Cholesterol)
2,020 kj572.7 kj
91,940 kj550 kj
(Without Salt, Regular, Commercial, Salad Dressing)
1,920 kj544.3 kj
(Home Recipe, Salad Dressing)
1,880 kj533 kj
(Regular, Salad Dressing)
1,850 kj524.5 kj
(Regular, Salad Dressing)
1,800 kj510.3 kj
(Regular, Salad Dressing)
1,790 kj507.5 kj
(Regular, Commercial, Salad Dressing)
1,750 kj496.1 kj
(Salad Dressing)
1,690 kj479.1 kj
171,670 kj473.4 kj
(Regular, Commercial, Salad Dressing)
1,580 kj447.9 kj
(Salad Dressing)
1,480 kj419.6 kj
201,400 kj396.9 kj
fig 1. Dressings and Condiments with kj (energy) rank 1 to 20

Dressings and Condiments Ranked 21 - 38 With KJ (Energy)

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankDressings and Condiments with KJ (Energy)per 100gper Oz
211,390 kj394.1 kj
(Reduced Fat, Salad Dressing)
1,380 kj391.2 kj
231,360 kj385.6 kj
(Without Salt, Regular, Commercial, Salad Dressing)
1,220 kj345.9 kj
251,100 kj311.8 kj
(With Salt, Regular)
1,050 kj297.7 kj
(Regular, Commercial, Salad Dressing)
1,000 kj283.5 kj
28997 kj282.6 kj
(Without Salt, Reduced Fat, Salad Dressing)
974 kj276.1 kj
30969 kj274.7 kj
(Reduced Calorie, Salad Dressing)
948 kj268.8 kj
(Reduced Fat, Salad Dressing)
928 kj263.1 kj
(Reduced Calorie, Salad Dressing)
866 kj245.5 kj
(Lite, Salad Dressing)
845 kj239.6 kj
(Reduced Calorie, Salad Dressing)
837 kj237.3 kj
(Reduced Fat, Salad Dressing)
821 kj232.7 kj
(Reduced Fat, Salad Dressing)
815 kj231 kj
38775 kj219.7 kj
fig 2. Dressings and Condiments with kj (energy) rank 21 to 38

Foods With KJ (Energy) In Other Food Categories

The food categories below have foods that contain kj (energy).

Select a category to show a ranked list of all the foods in that category with kj (energy).

Food CategoriesNumber of foods
in category
Alcoholic Beverages67
American Indian/Alaska Native Foods164
Baby Foods341
Baked Products515
Beef Products954
Breakfast Cereals195
Candy, Sweets or Lollies356
Cereal Grains and Pasta184
Dairy and Egg Products292
Fast Foods314
Fats and Oils154
Finfish and Shellfish Products264
Fruits and Berries285
Lamb, Veal, and Game Products464
Legumes and Legume Products296
Meals, Entrees, and Side Dishes81
Nuts and Seeds137
Pork Products338
Poultry Products383
Restaurant Foods109
Sauces and Gravies74
Sausages and Luncheon Meats168
Soups, Broths, and Stews181
Spices and Herbs55
Vegetables and Vegetable Products818
fig 3. Food categories with foods that contain KJ (Energy)

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