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Nutritional Profile of Canola Oil (High Oleic, Industrial)
We got 30 nutritional values in our nutrition profile for Canola Oil (High Oleic, Industrial).
Nutrient content compared to all foods
When comparing its nutrient content to all foods in our tool we find that it ranks top-of-the-line (Top 25) for 10 nutrients.
Most notable of them being
- KJ (Energy) (Other)
- Oleate (18:1 c) (Monounsaturated Fats)
- Total Lipid (Fat) (Fatty Acids)
- Kcal (Energy) (Other)
Also, when compared to all foods, it ranks quite high (Top 100) for seven additional nutrients.
With the highest ranking of them being
- alpha-Linolenic Acid, ALA (18:3 n-3) (Polyunsaturated Fats)
- trans-Polyenoic Fatty Acids (Polyunsaturated Fats)
- Behenic Acid (22:0) (Saturated Fats)
- cis-Linoleic Acid (18:2 n-6 c,c) (Polyunsaturated Fats)
Nutrient content compared to foods in the same category
A comparison between its nutrient content to foods in the same category (Fats and Oils) shows that it ranks top-of-the-line (Top 10) for 11 nutrients.
Most notable of them being
- KJ (Energy) (Other)
- Oleate (18:1 c) (Monounsaturated Fats)
- Total Lipid (Fat) (Fatty Acids)
- Kcal (Energy) (Other)
Additionally, a comparison to foods in the same category shows that it ranks notably well (Top 25) for seven additional nutrients.
With the highest ranking of them being
- Behenic Acid (22:0) (Saturated Fats)
- Phylloquinone (Fat-soluble Vitamins)
- 18:3i (Polyunsaturated Fats)
- alpha-Linolenic Acid, ALA (18:3 n-3) (Polyunsaturated Fats)
You can find these and more nutrient rankings below.
Table of Contents
Nutrient Content Of Canola Oil (High Oleic, Industrial)
The nutrient content of food is mainly divided into macro- and micronutrients.
Lipids (fats) are a major part of the macronutrients in your food.
Let's first take a look at a lipid (fat) profile to give you a sense of how the content of each type of fat compare to each other.
After that you'll find our detailed nutrient profile with all measured nutrients.
Lipid (fat) profile of Canola Oil (High Oleic, Industrial)
Lipids (fats), are divided into saturated and unsaturated fats. The unsaturated fats are then in turn divided into mono-, and polyunsaturated fats.
And now, let's look at the detailed nutrient profile!
Detailed nutrient profile of Canola Oil (High Oleic, Industrial)
Below we list all the nutrients that we have a measurement for. This is where you can find out what micronutrients there are in your food.
All nutrients are grouped together according to their type. Click on a nutrient type to show the individual nutrients. You can find other foods that contain the same nutrient by clicking on it.
If you can't find a specific nutrient, we recommend you go to our complete list of nutrients or try searching for it.
Nutrient Profile: Canola Oil (High Oleic, Industrial)
In food category: Fats and Oils
Fatty Acids (5) | per 100g | per Oz | Rank Cat. | Rank Foods |
Fatty Acids, total monounsaturated | 72.7 g | 20.6 g | 6 | 6 |
Fatty Acids, total polyunsaturated | 15.8 g | 4.5 g | 92 | 163 |
Fatty Acids, total saturated | 6.8 g | 1.9 g | 135 | 599 |
Fatty Acids, total trans | 957 mg | 271.3 mg | 32 | 141 |
Total Lipid (Fat) | 100 g | 28.3 g | 1 | 1 |
Saturated Fats (5) | per 100g | per Oz | Rank Cat. | Rank Foods |
Arachidic Acid (20:0) | 673 mg | 190.8 mg | 4 | 8 |
Behenic Acid (22:0) | 289 mg | 81.9 mg | 17 | 44 |
Lignoceric Acid (24:0) | 193 mg | 54.7 mg | 4 | 20 |
Palmitic Acid (16:0) | 3.6 g | 1 g | 140 | 632 |
Stearic Acid (18:0) | 2 g | 569.8 mg | 120 | 454 |
Monounsaturated Fats (8) | per 100g | per Oz | Rank Cat. | Rank Foods |
Elaidic Acid (18:1 t) | 287 mg | 81.4 mg | 30 | 399 |
Erucic Acid (22:1) | 96 mg | 27.2 mg | 9 | 131 |
Oleate (18:1 c) | 71.5 g | 20.3 g | 1 | 1 |
Oleic Acid (18:1) | 71.8 g | 20.4 g | 5 | 5 |
Palmitoleate (16:1 c) | 191 mg | 54.1 mg | 9 | 317 |
Palmitoleic Acid (16:1) | 191 mg | 54.1 mg | 51 | 792 |
Paullinic Acid (20:1) | 673 mg | 190.8 mg | 24 | 90 |
trans-Monoenoic Fatty Acids | 287 mg | 81.4 mg | 30 | 393 |
Polyunsaturated Fats (7) | per 100g | per Oz | Rank Cat. | Rank Foods |
18:3i | 191 mg | 54.1 mg | 20 | 21 |
alpha-Linolenic Acid, ALA (18:3 n-3) | 2.2 g | 623.7 mg | 22 | 32 |
cis-Linoleic Acid (18:2 n-6 c,c) | 12.9 g | 3.7 g | 38 | 57 |
Linelaidic Acid (18:2 t) | 478 mg | 135.5 mg | 5 | 15 |
Linoleic Acid (18:2 n-6) | 13.4 g | 3.8 g | 85 | 168 |
Linolenic Acid (18:3) | 2.4 g | 677.6 mg | 43 | 74 |
trans-Polyenoic Fatty Acids | 670 mg | 189.9 mg | 24 | 33 |
Fat-soluble Vitamins (2) | per 100g | per Oz | Rank Cat. | Rank Foods |
alpha-Tocopherol | 17.5 mg | 5 mg | 25 | 69 |
Phylloquinone | 71.3 µg | 20.2 µg | 17 | 376 |
Other Micronutrients (1) | per 100g | per Oz | Rank Cat. | Rank Foods |
Choline | 200 µg | 56.7 µg | 29 | 1154 |
Other (2) | per 100g | per Oz | Rank Cat. | Rank Foods |
Kcal (Energy) | 900 kcal | 255.1 kcal | 2 | 2 |
KJ (Energy) | 3,770 kj | 1,068.8 kj | 1 | 1 |
Foods Available Online
We searched Amazon for "Canola Oil" and found these products.
You can click on an image or the link below for further details of each product (#ad).
Showing top 3 of the hundreds of products available. Follow this link to explore the rest on Amazon (#ad).
Common Serving Sizes Of Canola Oil (High Oleic, Industrial)
Here's some of the different portion/serving sizes to get a sense of the weight.
Amount / Measurement | Weight in Gr | Weight in Oz |
Teaspoon | 4.5 g | 0.2 oz |
Tablespoon | 14.0 g | 0.5 oz |
Cup | 218.0 g | 7.7 oz |
6 Similar Fats or Oils
Explore the nutrient content of similar fats and oils below by clicking on their names.
Similar Fats and Oils 1 - 6
Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.
Canola Oil | No of Nutrients |
48 | |
(For Salads, Woks & Light Frying, Industrial) | 32 |
(Partially Hydrogenated, Oil For Deep Fat Frying, Industrial) | 31 |
(With Antifoaming Agent, Principal Uses Salads, Woks & Light Frying, Industrial) | 36 |
Corn & Canola Oil | No of Nutrients |
30 | |
15 |
Recommended High Quality Supplements
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You have to know what to look for and it takes a lot of work to go through the myriad of available products.
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